Some of the snapshots during school visits
A big thank you to Ms Shannon de Vries from the multinational School Riyadh, her beautiful students and our volunteers Ms Rachel Kay Ms Leila and Bader AlRayyan.For helping in raising awareness about animal welfare/pets . Thank you students our…
مشاركة ملجأ الرياض للحيوانات في احد المدارس بتوعية الاطفال بحقوق الحيوان ورعايته و سقيا الطيور
Some of the snapshots during events
فخورين فيكم متطوعات ومتطوعين ملجأ الرياض
. Proud of our volunteers — Riyadh Shelter (@RiyadhShelter) October 17, 2020 — Riyadh Shelter (@RiyadhShelter) September 22, 2020